Varda Conducts First Reentry Mission into Australia
Varda’s second reentry capsule W-2 landed safely in the dust of Southern Launch’s Koonibba Test Range in Australia yesterday.
Stories about the wondrous world of space science.
Varda’s second reentry capsule W-2 landed safely in the dust of Southern Launch’s Koonibba Test Range in Australia yesterday.
The sci fi dreams—and economic boom—that would be fulfilled by establishing a long-term lunar presence all hinge on one thing: the ability to locate, extract, and process water ice on the Moon’s surface.
During the six-week mission, Auxilium demonstrated how its 3D bioprinter can produce a range of medical devices without the burden of gravity.
Added Value Solutions (AVS) won an ESA contract to advance the design and development of its satellite platform for the ARRAKIHS dark matter astrophysics mission.
“Expect a modern, commercial, exciting venue that offers all the ingredients necessary to take people off the street…and get them ready to go into space.”
The new system will continue to address problems wrought by humanity’s impact on the climate: biodiversity loss, poaching, and the transmission of zoonotic diseases.
At less than 2kg, the system boasts a total impulse of 7,000 Ns, giving satellites enough thrust to perform multiple maneuvers on orbit without sacrificing much bus space.
After more than a year of review, there’s no concrete plan to retrieve scientific samples from Mars.
A report from Space Foundation last week outlined how NASA, NOAA, and the commercial satellite industry are preparing to weather these storms.
The Space Institute will include lab and office space, classrooms, an auditorium, as well as two football-field sized landscapes that simulate the lunar and Martian surfaces.
General Galactic wants to change the way the world thinks about the green transition, by using pollutants themselves as a renewable fuel source.