Thanks for wanting your news featured in Payload! Here you’ll find contact information for the editorial team, and a little more information about what we’re looking for in pitches.

If you’re looking for paid content, you can email Brian D’Erario. If you want to send us an anonymous tip, you can email us on Proton or message us on Signal.

If you want to pitch us earned media for the editorial site—which we never charge for—keep reading.


Managing editor: Jacqueline Feldscher, [email protected]

Reporter: Tim Fernholz, [email protected]

You can send most pitches to either or both of us! You can either send us a press release, or reach out to set up a call to share more info if you don’t have a release yet. 

One exception: Policy pitches should go to Jacqueline, who writes Polaris, our weekly space policy newsletter. 


Payload covers the business and policy of space. Please pitch us any space news that you think might be a good fit, but we are especially interested in:

  • Funding announcements 
  • Company news
  • Major contracts or MOUs
  • Space industry trends or news
  • Plans for investment, hiring, growth
  • Mission announcements
  • Space legislation, budgets and policy changes
  • Q&As with major space and industry voices

We do cover major international news, but are primarily focused on the US right now.


There are a few places we can feature news in Payload. We typically publish two stories in each day’s newsletter, where we can delve into what’s going on in a bit more detail.

But we also have rotating sections of the newsletter where we can highlight and link to other updates! Please send us:

  • Events, for our weekly calendar on Mondays
  • Job changes, for our making moves section on Tuesdays
  • Funding news, for the term sheet on Wednesdays
  • Contract announcements, for the contract report on Thursdays


The sooner, the better! We are happy to accept and honor embargos to get an early look at potential stories. We also love to give readers an exclusive look at news they can only find in Payload.

We typically follow a 3:30pm ET daily deadline for the following day’s newsletter, though we obviously make exceptions for breaking or late news. 


Publishing with Payload (versus putting news on a wire or tweeting out a press release) helps reach a targeted and engaged audience of 19,000+ space professionals. 

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Payload hosted a webinar in June and answered more questions about how to pitch Payload, and how to work with media more generally. You can watch below.