
A Space National Guard?

Photo: US Space Force/Airman 1st Class Zoe Thacker

A political battle is a-brewin’ over the formation of a Space National Guard, which could “bring in citizen guardians with private-sector experience,” Politico reports

In favor? The National Guard, for starters. Spearheading or supportive of the idea? Elected officials from Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, and other US states with strong bases of space activity. In the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), passed in September, the House calls for a Space Guard to be stood up within 18 months. 

Opposed? The White House strongly opposes the creation of a Space National Guard, saying it wouldn’t deliver “new capabilities” and would just “create new government bureaucracy.”

Takeaway: While the gears of government grind slowly—and it may be premature to be discussing space reservists—the proposal represents a priority for some lawmakers and members of the US military. We’ll keep tabs on Space Guard chatter and come back with updates, when and if there are any.

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