
ESA and Hassell Design an Inflatable Lunar Habitat

To build lunar infrastructure that can support human life and stand the test of time is an engineering challenge for the ages, and it’s one that space agencies the world over are taking on with enthusiasm. The European Space Agency (ESA) is the latest to unveil a plan for what a long-term structure on the […]


Space-Based Solar Project Completes its Mission

The concept that we could beam unlimited, concentrated solar energy from space down to Earth via microwaves has piqued the interest of scientists for decades. Until recently, though, space-based solar power was purely theoretical.


SDA Awards Tranche 2 Tracking Layer Contracts

The Space Development Agency (SDA) awarded another batch of big ticket contracts yesterday to the three companies that will build the Tranche 2 Tracking Layer of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA).


Orphaned Stars Mapped to their Parents

Despite the millennia humanity has spent looking up at the stars and pondering their existence, and despite all the fancy tools we’ve dreamed up and built to help clarify the cosmos, the precise process of star formation is still an enigma—let alone the details of the rest of the long, slow lifetime of any individual star.


Sateliot Raises €6M

Spanish satellite operator startup Sateliot announced yesterday that it has clinched €6M ($6.6M) in funding from Banco Santander, the largest bank in Spain.