Giuseppe Santangelo Talks Martian Helicopters, Skypersonic, and More!


Giuseppe is president at Red Cat Holdings ($RCAT) and founder of Skypersonic, which builds drones that can inspect and survey sites in high-risk, confined, or GPS-denied locations. Skypersonic’s product enables remote operators to fly drones indoors 100% remotely and over the internet.


Giuseppe is president at Red Cat Holdings ($RCAT) and founder of Skypersonic, which builds drones that can inspect and survey sites in high-risk, confined, or GPS-denied locations. Skypersonic’s product enables remote operators to fly drones indoors 100% remotely and over the internet.

Previously, Giuseppe was responsible for the development of projects on behalf of the European Space Agency at Thales Alenia Space, and has been involved in development of space systems used at NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA). He studied Astronautical Engineering at the University “La Sapienza di Roma” and he achieved the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) at Engineering Faculty of Catania.

What’s the space angle? Skypersonic just recently completed a 15-day set of testing its drone at Mt. Etna, an Italian volcano with Martian-esque terrain. Pilots in Houston flew Skypersonic’s drones to demonstrate the feasibility of the technology in a Mars-like environment. In 2021, NASA awarded Skypersonic a five-year contract to provide drone and rover software, hardware, and services/support for the US space agency’s simulated Mars mission.


0:00 – Introduction
4:27 – Giuseppe got into space at a very young age. Also, Ryan asks the question we’ve all been dying to know… Star Trek or Star Wars?
6:34 – The Italian space sector and working at Thales Alenia
11:24 – Starting simple…how’d Giuseppe come up with the name “Skypersonic”?
13:13 – The startup’s backstory and the art of the pivot
14:08 – 99% of all drones use GPS to fly – Skypersonic is building for the 1% share, and high-risk, highly complex situations and GPS-denied environments.
18:15 – “the pilot is important”
18:46 – A walkthrough of how drones connect to remote operation centers across the world. “Hopefully I can explain in a simple way, even if it’s super complex.”
26:32 – Spillovers from technology developed for space, now being used every day down here on Earth
30:57 – Skypersonic’s testing of its drones and remote operations at Mount Etna (an Italian volcano with a Martian-esque environment)
39:00 – Potential hiccups with using electrical propulsion systems on Mars. Also, spoiler alert, you can’t pilot helicopters on Mars from Earth
41:31 – Getting acquired by Red Cat Holdings, and what it’s like being on the management team of a publicly traded deeptech company
46:56 – Does Giuseppe have any advice for the space SPACs that are trying to tough it out in the public markets right now?
49:51 – Just a normal light question on this Tuesday morning: “Are we alone in the universe?” Giuseppe has worked on space telescopes searching for extraterrestrial planets, so we feel he’s qualified to answer this question.
52:04 – A once-in-a-generation renaissance and technological revival for space
53:40 – Giuseppe’s favorite off-the-radar Italian city