Program Logistics, with John Conafay (Integrate)


Today’s Pathfinder episode features John Conafay, the CEO and cofounder of Integrate, a program management platform for complex hardware development.


There’s a growing demand for streamlined communication and collaboration tools in the space industry. Integrate Space, based in Seattle, is tackling this challenge head-on. Co-founded by John Conafay, a veteran with ties to the USAF, ABL, Spaceflight, and Astranis, the startup aims to modernize program management, offering digital solutions to track development schedules, coordinate missions, and improve vendor collaboration. 

John believes that a platform like Integrate needs to be part of every industry building complex hardware. With newly acquired funding and two new contracts with the USSF and Firefly Aerospace, the company is expanding its team and moving into a new office in Seattle. Though space was where Integrate started, the company with the help of its new investors intends to expand into the biotech and cybersecurity industries. 

A sneak peek… 

In today’s episode, Mo and John chat: 

– The landscape of digital tools in the industry 

– Integrate’s business model and core value proposition 

– Raising capital in the current market 

– Digital solution platforms at scale 

And much more… 

This episode is brought to you by SpiderOak, a US-based software company that builds space cybersecurity products and solutions for civilian, military, and commercial space operations. Learn more at 

• Chapters • 

00:00 – Intro 

00:28 – SpiderOak Ad 

01:05 – Integrate introduction 

03:32 – How would you describe what Integrate does to your 5-year-old cousin? 

05:34 – John’s history with the new space industry 

13:51 – Is Integrate’s solution a nice to have or integral to solving huge inefficiencies? 

16:14 – Integrate’s core offering 

17:31 – Initial target/customer base 

18:36 – Integrate’s business model 

19:28 – How large is Integrate’s team today? 

20:23 – Integrate’s branding origin 

22:41 – SpiderOak Ad 

23:28 – Recent contract wins 

27:07 – Integrate’s use case for the government 

29:08 – How does Integrate fit in the competitive landscape? 

31:15 – Does Integrate compete against internal builds from larger companies? 

32:59 – Digital tools at scale 

34:04 – Round construction 

37:13 – Growth areas for Integrate 

39:45 – Integrate beyond space 

40:59 – Advice for founders looking to raise pre-seed funding 

43:07 – Tech that John is a big fan of 

47:28 – Favorite space book/show 

49:03 – How to get invited to an Integrate party/get connected as a customer