
Space Force Boosts Bonus To Help Retention

Vandenberg SFB College Fair
Vandenberg SFB College Fair. Image: Space Force

The Space Force has raised its max reenlistment bonus for some members of the service to $180,000, an $80,000 increase from the previous year.  

While the service did not give a reason for the boost, the Space Force is often competing for talent with the commercial sector, which can typically offer a higher salary. 

More details: The military announced that Space Force Guardians serving in seven areas would be eligible for the increased bonus. Those areas include four cyber specialties, analyst positions, and space systems operations, according to Air and Space Forces Magazine

Happy campers: The bonuses are intended to boost retention for experienced personnel in career fields facing shortages. However, Space Force officials have frequently said they have had no trouble recruiting and retaining top talent since the service was founded in 2019.

Enlisted and officer retention rates for fiscal 2022, 2023, and 2024 are all 93% or higher, according to DoD data.

A RAND report on broader national defense goals released Monday found that in 2023, only the Space Force and Marine Corps met their recruiting goals. 

Other changes: The service announced a handful of other changes aiming to increase Space Force retention rates, including:

  • Giving Guardians the option to reenlist up to 12 months before their term of service ends
  • Extending Guardians’ term of service from six to eight years

Last fall, the Space Force also increased its age limit to broaden the pool of potential recruits, allowing people to join the service as long as they are 42 years old or younger.

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