
Tilebox Raises $1.7M for Satellite Data Management

Image: Tilebox

Tilebox, a startup building software to host and manage raw satellite data, raised $1.7M in a pre-seed round to build out its team and expand its product offering. 

“We’re really excited about the space because we see the growth,” Tilebox cofounder Laura Costa told Payload. “The software part of the data management and processing is very underserved.” 

Cocoa Ventures, Possible Ventures, and Remote First Capital all participated in the round.

Tilebox 101 

Satellites collect hundreds of thousands of terabytes of data every day, a number that will only continue to grow as more birds enter orbit. Tilebox, which was founded last year, hopes to make all of that information easier to sort through and store. 

The company’s software allows satellite operators to import raw data and manage it through a platform that acts as an intermediary, bridging the gap between upstream satellite data and downstream tools. 

  • TileBox alleviates the headache of maintaining an in-house system while curbing cloud expenses by minimizing unnecessary data transfers.

Going live: Tilebox is managing data from two customers: Airmo, a greenhouse gas monitoring startup, and Findus, a space debris business. 

Future capabilities: The company will use some of its pre-seed funds to explore integrating its software directly with customer onboard satellite computers, which would simplify workflow by processing data in orbit via a singular, unified system.

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