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Space Agency Leaders Recap 2022

The world was busy in space this year. All together, there have been 174 successful orbital launches so far in 2022, and the world’s space agencies have pulled together over the course of the year to make major strides in science, technology, and exploration. Read on for our recap of the top events from space […]


Q4 2022 News Roundup

Can you believe 2022 is nearly over? It’s been a jam-packed year for the space industry, full of groundbreaking moments in science, turbulence in the markets and world order; substantive policy developments; and historic mission firsts.  We’re kicking off our year-end coverage by looking at objects closest in the rear-view mirror. Payload combed through the […]


Roscosmos and NASA Investigate ISS Leak

Last week, a pair of cosmonauts aboard the ISS were all suited up for a spacewalk, ready to step out of the decompressed airlock, when flight controllers noticed that the Soyuz M-22 capsule docked with the station had sprung a leak. Over the past week, NASA and Roscosmos have been investigating the leak, which spilled […]


Kamala Harris Updates National Space Council Advisory Group

On Friday, the White House announced the latest group of leaders to staff a key advisory board for the National Space Council.  Formerly known as the User’s Advisory Committee (UAC), the group will inform policy decisions and actions considered by the council. The group includes 30 representatives from the space industry, climate scientists, educators, advocacy […]


House Introduces Situational Awareness Transition Bill

On Wednesday, members of the House Space, Science and Technology committee introduced a bill to properly organize the rules surrounding space safety and space situational awareness (SSA). This bill, the Space Safety and Situational Awareness Transition Act of 2022, was spearheaded by Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA) chairman of the subcommittee on space and aeronautics, and […]


TransAstra Receives NASA and DoD Awards for Debris Removal and Awareness

This morning, TransAstra, a Y Combinator alum building space situational awareness (SSA) and space tug technology, announced that it has received two grants—a NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award and a DoD Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) award—to advance its space debris removal and awareness tech.  Right now, TransAstra is focused on space sustainability. […]

CivilDeep Space

60 Years Since Mariner 2’s Venus Flyby

60 years ago today, Mariner 2 flew by Venus, making the probe the first successful interplanetary mission. The flyby spacecraft flew within 21,500 miles of the Morning and Evening Star, taking various measurements and making groundbreaking discoveries about our solar system. The lead-up The Mariner program was first introduced in the early 1960’s, when NASA’s […]


FCC Aims to Speed Up License Approvals

Late last month, the FCC released a notice of proposed rulemaking that aimed to significantly cut down the red tape surrounding satellite licensing. Now, the commission says that it will discuss the revisions to its licensing procedures as part of its Space Innovation agenda on Dec. 21. The notice falls under a larger trend, led […]


Artemis I Splashes Down

Artemis I is complete. At 12:40pm ET yesterday, the Orion capsule splashed down in the Pacific, marking the end of its 26-day, 1.4-million-mile journey around the Moon and back again. By all accounts, the first mission in NASA’s grand return to the Moon went smoothly. SLS, the agency’s long-awaited (and over-budget) Moon rocket launched on […]


Blue Origin- and Dynetics-led Teams Vie to Build Second NASA Lander

In the latest round of lunar Human Landing Systems (HLS), we have a National Team 2.0—along with another group of bidders—vying to build a second vehicle that would take American astronauts to the Moon.  The big change? Blue and Northrop Grumman have parted ways in their bid.  How we got here: a brief timeline  Bidding […]


Pentagon Establishes Office of Strategic Capital

The Pentagon is getting into investing. Yesterday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin established a new Office of Strategic Capital (OSC), which aims to give the DoD the ability to work more closely with private capital. Why get into capital markets? Right now, the DoD’s mechanisms for helping new, important technologies hop the “valley of death” […]


ICON Wins NASA Contract for Lunar 3D Printing

Within a decade, a startup known for building cheap 3D-printed houses on Earth is hoping to bring the materials cost for building structures on the lunar surface down to zero. Austin-based ICON said this morning that it won a $57.2M Phase III SBIR award from NASA that will bring its 3D printing technology all the […]