
SpaceX Deploys Direct-To-Cell Starlinks

There’s officially a new player in the direct-to-cell market. On Tuesday, SpaceX launched its first batch of Starlink satellites with the embedded capability to connect directly with phones on the ground. T-Mobile, the company’s partner in connectivity, is signed on to enable the service within the US as early as this year. Get connected: Direct-to-cell […]


Amazon Argues to Reduce LEO Regulations

Amazon is teaming up with a handful of leading think tanks to launch the Alliance for Satellite Broadband, a coalition aiming to broaden global satellite internet access. The group was just announced yesterday, but it already has its first task: pushing regulators to update decades-old limits on signal interference between different orbits.  EPFD 101: Equivalent […]


Aalyria Plans to Deploy Laser Terminals at Sea

Aalyria is building a mesh network of laser links to quickly transmit data across land, air, sea, and space. The sea-based piece of that plan is about to get a boost. Yesterday, the DC-based laser comms networking company announced that it signed an MoU with HICO Investment Group, which focuses investment in shipping and logistics […]


AST SpaceMobile Notches 5G Direct-to-Cell Success

Direct-to-cell technology has taken another step forward. AST SpaceMobile ($ASTS) announced yesterday that it successfully demonstrated 5G connectivity with an unmodified smartphone from space for the first time. Call incoming Direct-to-cell capabilities have gained traction in recent years, with several companies—including ASTS, Lynk Global, and SpaceX—working on incorporating the technology into their constellations. The technology […]