
Jamming, Spoofing, and Spying, Oh My!

The Secure World Foundation released its annual update of global counterspace capabilities today, and we dug through it for some of the most significant updates from its 2023 version. 


A Tale of Two Mission Authorization Plans

Senior officials from the administration and Capitol Hill defended dueling plans to regulate novel space activities at Payload’s Space Capitol III event on Monday night.


Lawmakers Revive Planetary Science Caucus

The Planetary Science Caucus is back from the dead, and the revival of the group couldn’t come at a more critical time for scientific pursuits in the cosmos that often find themselves in the budgetary crosshairs.


The State of National Security Space Policy 2024

It’s time for the four-year-old Space Force to move out of the establishment phase and work through what it really means to conduct military operations in orbit, including translating 30,000-foot doctrine to the tactical level, according to two former defense officials.


The State of Civil Space Policy 2024

If the past few years have been about growth and planning in the space community, 2024 is the year of regulation and execution, according to some leading space experts.