
Euroconsult Values the Global EO Market at $4.6B

Euroconsult, a space consulting firm, predicts the global EO market will grow from $4.6B in 2022 to $7.6B over the next ten years, driven by tech advancements, premium product offerings, and public investment.


Amazon Argues to Reduce LEO Regulations

Amazon is teaming up with a handful of leading think tanks to launch the Alliance for Satellite Broadband, a coalition aiming to broaden global satellite internet access. The group was just announced yesterday, but it already has its first task: pushing regulators to update decades-old limits on signal interference between different orbits.  EPFD 101: Equivalent […]


Qosmosys Closes $100M Seed Round

Lunar lander startup Qosmosys secured a staggering $100M in seed funding to help it bring its ZeusX lander to the Moon in just four years, the startup announced last week.