
Quantum Reveals First Mission, Sentry

Quantum Space is building a mesh communications infrastructure that spans from LEO to cislunar space and beyond to meet growing data needs as humanity expands its reach into the cosmos.   This morning, the company unveiled details of Sentry, its first mission. Sentry will launch on SpaceX’s Transporter-10 rideshare, currently slated for no earlier than March, […]


Euclid’s First Light

There’s something mysterious happening in the universe.  It’s driving the formation of galaxies and it’s pushing outward in space, leading to an accelerated expansion. We call the culprits behind these mysterious phenomena dark matter and dark energy, and together, astronomers believe they comprise 95% of the universe. But that’s about where our knowledge ends. In […]


Euroconsult Releases Ground Segment Report

With the exponential growth of satellites in space showing no signs of slowing down, Euroconsult is considering the growing need for supportive ground infrastructure to back up assets in orbit.  The consulting firm released the fourth edition of its yearly report on the ground segment market yesterday, spanning ground stations, antennas, and user terminals back […]


KMI Pulls In $5M for Debris Removal

Kall Morris, Inc. (KMI) has secured $5M in DoD contracts and private investment to further its technology development and commercialization efforts, the debris removal startup announced today.


Researchers Find Possible Traces of Theia Under the Earth’s Surface

The Earth didn’t always look the way it does today. Here’s how we think it happened: About 4.5B years ago, the Earth was a smaller protoplanet without a moon. While tracing its orbit around the sun, that proto-Earth (sometimes called Gaia) collided violently with another early planet, Theia. Being the larger body, Gaia won the […]


InSight Shows Liquid Magma Layer of Mars’ Core

Mars, near its center, is liquid rock. The composition of the Red Planet has long been a mystery. It is tough to accurately measure things like the density and composition of what you can’t see from remote observations alone, and there have been limited tools deployed on the planet that can actually probe very far […]


China Opens Tiangong’s Doors to Foreign Visitors

We’re not done with astronaut news just yet. Tiangong is also open for business. A little over two years after China launched the core module for Tiangong, China’s national space station is ready and willing to host astronauts from other countries, a representative from the China Manned Space Agency announced Wednesday. The invitation comes after […]