
NASA Tests Deep Space Laser Communications

As companies and government agencies push deeper into space, their spacecraft need to transmit large amounts of data very precisely and quickly across vast distances in the void of space—and radio comms just aren’t doing the trick anymore.  That’s where lasers (or, to use the industry terminology, optical communications) come in. Future crewed missions to […]


JAXA Suffers Cyberattack

Hackers infiltrated Japan’s space agency’s internal systems this summer, but it doesn’t appear they accessed info related to the country’s launch or satellite operations, JAXA announced.


Arcfield Acquires Orion Space Solutions

Arcfield, a company providing space mission support and technology to government customers, has scooped up Orion Space Solutions to build out its core capabilities and expand what it’s able to offer DoD customers. “Arcfield has a long history of delivering innovative solutions across the space domain, and we believe the acquisition of Orion enhances Arcfield’s […]


Ariane 6 Conducts Hot Fire Test

While many of us west of the Atlantic were occupied by copious amounts of turkey and mashed potatoes, our friends across the pond were focused on the arguably more exciting task of firing new rocket engines.


Satellogic Wins NOAA License

Satellogic ($SATL) notched a big win in its quest to capture more American business opportunities with a new remote sensing license granted by NOAA.