
Biden Announces Michael Whitaker as FAA Nominee

President Biden plans to nominate Michael G. Whitaker to be the new FAA chief, a position that has been open for more than 500 days.  The nomination comes five months after Phillip Washington withdrew from consideration after congressional pushback over his limited aviation industry experience. The position has been vacant since March 2022, with Billy […]


Exclusive: Turion Space Wins Six NASA and USAF Contracts

Turion is announcing a slew of wins in its efforts to design, build, and deploy its on-orbit mobility and debris removal infrastructure. The Irvine, CA-based space sustainability startup has notched six recent contracts from NASA, the Space Force, and the Air Force, each supporting a different area of its product stack. “We’re trying to grow […]


South Africa Partners with China on Lunar Base

China and South Africa have agreed to partner on space initiatives for the first time. During a meeting of BRICS nation leaders—a group consisting of Brazil, India, China, and South Africa—Chinese President Xi Jinping signed two agreements with South Africa to collaborate on space-related projects.  According to Chinese state media agency Xinhua News, one of […]


The FAA Eyes Commercial Crew Regulations

The FAA is working on new rules aimed at ensuring the safety of commercial crew flights. In a notice of proposed rulemaking issued Friday, the FAA suggested a few new regulations to be officially incorporated into the US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act (CSLCA), mainly focusing on definitions and safety training for government astronauts.  A […]


NASA Tracks for 2024 Artemis II Launch

Artemis II crew, meet Orion. NASA is gearing up for the second installment of its campaign to get humans back to the Moon. On Artemis II, four astronauts will ride the Orion capsule around the Moon to test its systems and pave the way for a landing on the next trip. Yesterday, that crew—made up […]


SBIR’s Ignite Program Opens With A Different Ask This Year

This year, NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research Ignite program is looking for something new.  “We want to market to firms that don’t typically do business with NASA,” engineer Quenton Bonds, who leads the SBIR Ignite program, said.  The Ignite program, a two-year-old initiative aimed at helping NASA work with small businesses, is attempting to overhaul […]


IARPA Launches Space Debris Tracking Initiative

IARPA, aka the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, is getting its feet wet in space awareness.  The advanced R&D arm under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence announced Tuesday that it is launching a new program called SINTRA (Space Debris Identification and Tracking) to find, track, and characterize the millions of tiny pieces […]


ESA Performs an Assisted Reentry of Aeolus

ESA successfully tested a new tool to safely deorbit defunct satellites that were designed before the development of current guidelines on reducing debris.  On Friday, the agency performed an assisted reentry of its Aeolus wind-monitoring mission, which was not originally designed for a manual deorbit. “These manoeuvres were complex, and Aeolus was not designed to […]


The Space Economy Reaches $546B, The Space Foundation Says

It’s that time again—the Space Foundation has released its report on the state of the space economy through Q2 2023, and it’s reporting big numbers for the past year. According to the authors, the space economy reached $546B in 2022 despite turbulent global markets, and they’re only predicting more growth in the coming years. The […]


NASA Touts Small Business Investment

NASA is a *star* student of the Biden administration’s efforts to send more federal dollars to small businesses, earning an “A” for the sixth year in a row in a Small Business Administration scorecard released Tuesday. The gradebook: SBA releases a small business procurement scorecard each year that measures how close federal agencies are able […]


Senate Unveils Flat NASA Budget, Takes Aim at Mars Sample Return

The Senate has unveiled its initial ~$25B FY24 NASA budget, roughly maintaining YoY funding levels, but coming in significantly below the White House’s $27.2B ask. The budget plateau results from an eleventh-hour debt limit deal struck at the end of May that keeps non-defense spending flat YoY. The most notable casualty is Mars Sample Return […]


The Artemis Astrovan Arrives

NASA astronauts are going to be riding in *ahem* style. A brand new fleet of vans destined to carry Artemis crews to the launch pad ahead of their journeys to the Moon arrived at KSC on Tuesday. The vans, built by CA-based Canoo Technologies Inc., are fully electric, zero-emission vehicles designed to fit four fully […]