
Pentagon Releases First Commercial Space Strategy

The Pentagon on Tuesday released its long-awaited strategy for working more closely with the commercial space sector, which includes plans to boost cooperation during times of peace and protect commercial assets in times of conflict. 


Jamming, Spoofing, and Spying, Oh My!

The Secure World Foundation released its annual update of global counterspace capabilities today, and we dug through it for some of the most significant updates from its 2023 version. 


DoD Opens Line of Communication to VCs

The Space Force is meeting with the top funders of commercial space tech, opening a line of communication between the national security and VC communities about threats in orbit and the up-and-coming tech needed to counter them.


The Space Force Cuts Corners

Cut season isn’t ending with NASA: the Space Force’s budget request for FY2025 is ~$600M lower than its last ask for fiscal 2024.