
Starliner by the Numbers: Payload Research

With Starliner slated to transport crew to the ISS for the first time next week, we’re digging into all the money spent to get here—from NASA’s contributions and seat pricing to the total development expenditures.


Payload Research: Q1 Space Industry via Charts

The first three months of 2024 was another busy year for the space industry, underscored by continued growth in SpaceX’s launch cadence and a solid VC funding environment. Below are the four charts defining the quarter.


Inside NASA’s SBIR Phase III Program, By The Numbers: Payload Research

NASA’s SBIR funding—particularly its Phase I & II tracks—has become a vital source of non-dilutive capital for early-stage space startups. At the same time, it has gained a reputation for coming up short in delivering on its larger Phase III programmatic contracts, leaving companies to navigate the “valley of death.”


Payload Research: Detailing Artemis Vehicle R&D Costs

NASA is on pace to exceed $100B of Artemis funding by FY26, according to nominal dollar data from OIG, NASA budgets, and Payload analysis.  The program—which has penciled in its first crewed lunar landing by 2026—is one of the most expensive in NASA history.  The enormous costs largely accrue to development of the mission’s vehicle. […]


Blue Origin’s 2025 Lunar Landing Goal

Blue Origin aims to land its Blue Moon Mark 1 cargo vehicle on the Moon next year, setting an aggressive timeline as the company charts a new course of decisive action and big swings after not reaching orbit in its first two decades of operations.


Payload Research: The Space Cybersecurity Landscape and Zero Trust Protocols

Society’s demand for space-based data has fueled growth in the space industry, with 10,000+ satellites in orbit. On top of all that hardware grows an even faster network of interconnected data, software, and mesh networks, working in concert with other connected devices to converse and compute.  The data exchange in space presents a near-infinite number […]